Islands of Sanity

by | Nov 30, 2021 | Harmony with Nature, Moving Forward

Creating and participating in “islands of sanity” allows us to reflect, consider, dream, and build anew. The island is a safe place in uncertain times, when what is known is gone, and what is becoming is unclear. It is a respite in which we remember who we are as human beings and who we can be as a society.

An island can be a personal ritual observed with discipline and concentration. Regularly being in nature reminds me that I am part of something greater than myself. When I sit silently and open to the natural world around me, I align with the energy flowing through the plants, trees, birds, and animals. I have an intuitive knowing of how to be and to fulfill my role in a bigger picture.

People form islands of sanity in family, work teams, projects, and community. Many Power Peers participants consider the weekly, one –hour video calls to be an island of sanity in their daily lives. The conversations create a safe place to speak of what matters without fear of judgment. Being in the company of other decent, caring humans clears our minds and opens us to new ways of seeing.

The current lock-down forces families together for extended periods. Routines and expectations are upended. Consider how to create a new flow in the home to accommodate what needs to be done more simply and gracefully. Add times, attitudes and activities to establish respites wherein you engage fully with one another. Use the Conversation Café Agreements to guide you.

Are you talking with family and friends about values, principles, and what you believe? This level of interaction is above the noise we hear in the media. We speak to one another with respect and seek to understand rather than persuade. We come to see how much we have common and that our goals are often aligned. From this state of mind, we find ourselves becoming better humans.

In her book, Who Do We Choose to Be?, Margaret Wheatley wrote that an “island of sanity” for many is “an interior space bounded by our values, commitment and faith. This boundary is only visible in our actions; no matter where we are, we stand out as different, leading against the norm. We aren’t intent on changing the world; we simply try to work in ways that honor people and evoke our best human qualities.”

Deep conversations are the steps providing support along the path of action. My vision for the Power Peers Network is a collection of 10-12 video-conference calls each week with an average of 100 people participating in calls of ten people from all walks of life and demographics. They learn and evolve as they share how they are creating positive shifts in their individual spheres of influence.

As one Power Peers participant wrote:

The conversations are thought provoking and stimulating. Our group is from a variety of backgrounds, ages, professions, living across the U.S. which means I have gotten to know people who I would have not have otherwise met. Each person thinks deeply about the world we live in and how they can best contribute to it.

My experience and insight confirm that people connected to something greater than themselves know what they can and should do. When we act from the beauty of our human spirit, we are capable of seeing, understanding and manifesting positive changes and results. As the Power Peers facilitator, I do not teach what and how you should be and do. You know. I just create the island of sanity for you to remember and take action.

So, please create “islands of sanity” in this wild and crazy period with those family, friends and colleagues, who yearn for deeper conversations about what matters to them. You are welcome to participate as a guest in a Power Peers call and invite others; groups are filling for morning and evening calls. We would love to have your thoughts and presence.

As always, thanks for participating in the conversation, Laura

Laura Piening

Laura Piening

For nearly thirty years, Laura has worked with businesses, nonprofits and individuals to create clarity of meaning, purpose and organization.

 Our services help leaders to grow both personally and professionally, in order to build strong, agile organizations and communities.

Read more about Creating Clarity Now and the Power Peers Network.

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